Magnetism Mist

Product Code: PNrSpbZ

$11.11 inc. tax


This sensual mix of chuparrosa flower essences adds beautiful colors to your auric field as it instantly raises your energetic frequency to become a magnet for whom or whatever you set your sights on, regardless of who was on their minds before, thoughts of you may very well replace them. This mist can be use as an after shower/bath mist, added to baths & floorwashes as well as used to consecrate sacred spaces and objects, and definitely before dates & meetings where you want a favorable outcome.

Customer Reviews

1 review(s) posted (write review)
Very nice scent! 5 product stars
"This scent is more my style. It's so pretty, I almost don't want to use it. When I tap into the energy of this spray, I can tell it's meant to attract desires. Also Oshun Aje's sprays tend to also cleanse off negativity and transmute the energy on you. Very good for those who do healing and shadow work. It justs recharges me. Also the scent is definitely my liking." M - Sunday, April 18, 2021

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