YELLOW... joy, optimism, crown of success

Product Code: rry

$11.11 inc. tax


You only need to drop on of these energy charged himilayan pink salt into a hot bath to be soaking in a vortext of Joyfully charged energy that will raise your vibrations and help you feel empowered, confident, more joyful and optimistic. (RiverRox are saturated with herb-infused essential oils)

Customer Reviews

2 review(s) posted (write review)
Strengthens Your Power 5 product stars
"I would personally suggest this to strengthen spells and your solar plexus. This adds well to any bath in my opinion plus renews your innate power to overcome, persevere, and returns your aura glow." Looking Up - Monday, August 23, 2021
Amazing River Rox by Oshun 5 product stars
"These River Rox (Yellow) are truly amazing. I really needed joy in my life after the universe ripped my whole entire family out of my life as they were extremely toxic and NARCS. After getting in the tub I was very joyful and relaxed. My roommate said that after she used one in her bath that her back snapped and all the stress was instantly removed from her body. They are truly amazing like everything else in the Majickshop." Grandmaster Fee - Sunday, June 14, 2020
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